We Still Have in Stock Dylon Multi Purpose Dyes - View Colours  All orders sent out with Royal Mail First Class Post

Instructions for Fixing Colour Using Dyprofix


Fabric dyes such as Dypro multi-purpose dye are not always colourfast. Colours can fade if the fabric is washed regularly.

If a garment such as a costume used in a play is worn and washed regularly, Dyprofix can help to keep the colours in the fabric looking vibrant.

Dyprofix is available in a 250ml bottle complete with measuring cap. The usage guide is as follows:

Washing Machine Method:

Make sure the fabric is rinsed thoroughly so that any loose dye is removed

Place the damp fabric in the washing machine

For each 500g of fabric, add 20ml fix (1 tablespoon) to the washing machine drum (for dark colour such as black, use twice as much fix)

Run a complete 40 degrees cotton cycle

Dry away from direct sunlight and heat

Bowl Method:

Make sure that the fabric is rinsed thoroughly so that any loose dye is removed

For each 500g of fabric, add about 10 litres of warm water in a suitable container  

For each 500g of fabric, add 20ml fix (1 tablespoon) to the water and stir briefly (for dark colours such as black, use twice as much fix)

Add the damp fabric and stir

Leave for 30 minutes, stirring regularly

Rinse in cold water

Dry away from direct sunlight and heat